
One Speedlite Setup

Just a easy to set up with one off camera speedlite 

here are a few examples of the images

Subject about 2ft from the background or wall(white) while the speedlite was on a stand at full height at 7ft pointing down on subject around 4ft away and 40° to the right. 

Diagram above shows the setup. 

Attached to the speed lite is my homemade honeycomb grid. 

These are examples of what the grid looks like, the top right image has this color tint due to the color of the straws used in the grid the other 3 are converted to B&W.

So from this you can see if you want a certain color tint grid or if you just want a normal spread then it is best to use either white, silver or black straws. 

Here is a video description with all the details

If you would like to purchase 1 of these honeycomb grids for your speedlite then get in touch but i am selling them via here and Ebay for £7.99.

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